Friday, December 4, 2015

It can be tricky furnishing a home or office, especially when there are other people to consider who have different ideas to you. Having functional and attractive furniture will make your spaces more comfortable if the pieces have been chosen to suit your lifestyle.

Fortunately there are furnishing consultants who will listen to what your requirements are, and then come up with fantastic ideas on how to make your home or office look stunning with the available space you have. They have all the skills, training and talent to make the most of your small-space situation.

Throw Interior Design Myths out the Window

Don't heed some of the restrictive myths you get. Simply think about who is going to occupy a room and how it will be used. The bottom line is that if you love a particular style, you can have it replicated in your home. Let's look at a few myths, and how you can cast most of them out of the window. 

Myth 1: Formal homes are where chandeliers belong - crystal chandeliers suspended from the ceiling and which create a fabulous spectrum of light can be used in literally any room, from the lounge to even a child's bedroom. Chandeliers in large stately dining-rooms belong to the past.

Myth 2: Wooden plantation shutters are an extravagant expense. Plantation shutters are both a functional and beautiful addition to a home, adding a touch of uniqueness and charm. They control light, control warmth and coolness, provide privacy and protect furniture from harmful UV rays.

Myth 3: Interior design is about showpiece, magazine-cover interiors. Interior designers are skilled at listening carefully to the requirements of their clients and then creating a homely environment that looks awesome but which is livable. The best interior designers take into account dogs and kids and creates spaces that can take some hard knocks.

Myth 4: Interior design is only for those with big budgets. The best interior designers always have a clear idea of what they can create with the budget you are giving them. Reputable designers know the cost of things and they know what is affordable and what is not. If you have found a trustworthy and reputable interior designer, give them your budget, and they'll work some magic with it. 
Myth 5: Interior design only applies to large spaces. Even cluttered little rooms can be turned into bright, airy and cozy rooms to your advantage. Small rooms can be made to appear larger with the clever use of paints, lights, mirrors and furniture placement. You don't have to go with white paint either because a skilled interior designer has extraordinary ideas at their fingertips for small rooms. An interior designer will show you ideas to make use of under-bed storage to utilize every scrap of space you have.

Myth 6: Balanced images and symmetry in furniture and decor is the only way to go. Many people love nothing more than off-kilter design, and look at matching as boring . If you're love mismatched furniture, then a good interior designer won't tell you that you're daft, but rather work with your mis-matched ideas to give you a room that will certainly not be mundane. Don't be tempted to go with the color beige because it 'goes with everything'. An artistic interior designer know how to take your love of florals and plaids and co-ordinate them in such a way as to create a stunning, vibrant look.

Myth 7: Wallpapers aren't a good idea for tiny bathrooms. No longer does wallpaper get discolored with mildew. Today there are wallpapers which can be used specifically in small or large bathrooms and manufacturers have put in a lot of thought into their wallpaper designs and today there are some great products out there. The beauty about wallpaper is that if you get tired of it, you can easily repaper it . Peel and stick wallpapers are wildly graphic and can enliven any space.

They do what You want, but Better

First impressions count and the right interior designers simply help their clients with identifying what they would like in terms of being attractive and practical. They have all the skills and talent to come up with great ideas that you may never have thought of. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Forever Young with the Age of Adeline - A review

As a 2015 romantic drama, Age of Adaline is directed by Lee Toland Kriger and tells the story of a young woman Adaline Bowman, played by Blake Lively, who after car crash, becomes ageless - she stops growing older. So in the movie , after a near-fatal car accident some 80 years ago, the movie is about an 107-year-old woman with a face and body of a 29-year-old. The Age of Adaline also stars Harrison Ford as well as Ellen Burstyn as the daughter who grows up to astonishingly look years older than her own mother.

Adaline Closes Herself off to the World

 As the years roll on, she doesn't allow herself to get close to anyone and lives a pretty solitary existence. She wants to conceal her identity and avoid anyone discovering her secret. She meets an attractive bearded man, a philanthropist named Ellis (Michiel Huisman) and she battles against the self-imposed solitary lifestyle she has been living in. When her secret may become known, she sees that she will have to take greater control over her life, and Ellis  is certainly starting to complicate her life as well. Charismatic, Ellis Jones rekindles her love of life and romance. She goes away with him to spend a weekend with his parents and it appears as though the truth about her life will be uncovered.

Escape into Respectable Oblivion

For moviegoers, the film certainly offers quite a bit of escapism, allowing viewers to be taken back to a more romantic, less cynical time. Reviews aren't all overly positive for this respectable, if not a bit dull film. Quite a few people in the audiences were checking their watches waiting for the 110 minutes to end.  Fortunately the director of photography, David Lanzenberg,  does good work, and he uses his skills to ensure that the settings and period costumes allow for plenty of beauty which will transport movie goers into a world of peaceful, relaxing oblivion, and we all need that in the 21st century.  

Thursday, April 30, 2015

An Update on Effective Solutions In Heating and Cooling Systems

The amount of energy Australians use in their home will depend on the part of Australia they live as well as on the type of heating and cooling systems they install. Wherever you live in Australia however, the climate has warmed by 0.9C since 1910. Another thing to note is that the frequency of extreme weather has also changed and Australia has to contend with more heat extremes. With this information, it has become necessary for Australians to look at heating and cooling solutions for their homes, and of course the unit they choose and its maintenance will have a big impact on their comfort levels. 
Rather than move to warmer or cooler homes, Aussie homeowners are looking at installing high efficiency heating and cooling technologies. They are tired of shelling out a lot of money just for the simple pleasure of keeping their homes comfortable throughout the year. By improving the efficiency of their HVAC systems, Aussies can expect a significant decrease in their heating and cooling bills. From large homes to tiny one bedroom townhouses, there is a heating and cooling solution which will be perfectly fitted and installed and guaranteed to work perfectly in your unique space. 
Your Home Assessed for the Correct Air Con Solution
By contacting reputable air con specialists, homeowners in Australia will get their home's cooling and heating requirements assessed so that they can enjoy the correct solution. It is always important to have the opinion of a qualified Australian professional heating and cooling specialist come to your house and give you their free advice complete with a tailored quotation. With effective heating and cooling solutions, you can create the perfect comfort throughout your entire home. On top of that with gas heating systems, you will also be saving on electricity costs.
Glean from the Technical Know-How of Skilled Technicians 
Choose from window wall units, split systems, multi-split air conditioners or whole-home ducted air conditioning solutions. The technical know-how of experienced and knowledgeable technicians will ensure heating and cooling which won't break the bank. They inform Aussie homeowners that Energy Star certified ductless heating and cooling systems for instance are highly efficient and that they will provide warm or cool air directly into the different areas of the home without being routed through ducts first. 
They are a popular solution for replacing air conditioners in older homes. They also offer more control, because the one thermostat means you can control the temperature of each area in your home. Aussie homeowners will also be advised which air cons are quiet and reliable and which ones are known for their robust performance in tough Australian environments. 
Huge Technology Improvements
Australian air con technicians offer impartial information on air conditioners to guide you with your choice. The air conditioners of today have seen huge technology improvements and are sized and suited to your particular house and installed correctly so as not to jeopardize energy efficiency. Australians love the clear and simple operating controls they get from the reliable brand air conditioners. They also love the fabulous features as well as the convenient and environmentally friendly benefits that modern heating and cooling systems allow. 
Conclusion:In Australia, it costs no less than a fortune to heat and cool the homes. If you are fed up of shelling out a lot of money to keep your homes comfortable, it is high time that you start looking for effective solutions to conserve energy. The sure shot way to do so is to call a reputable air con specialist today so that he can assess your heating and cooling requirements and suggest you the most optimal solution for your individual requirements. This way, you would be sure you are in the care of right hands and you would be saving a lot of bucks too.

Links: › Home Guides › AC and Heating

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sony Xperia Z Ultra – Smart Choice for Smart People

Smart phones have become smarter, thanks to Sony Xperia Z Ultra which boasts of being the sleekest HD smart phone in the market. Smart phone lovers who believe size does matter, the Xperia Z Ultra 6.4 inches screen can give them reasons for a smile. Running on Android 4.2, and an array of other dynamic features, including 16GB storage capacity, and 8 megapixel camera, it is a bundle of joy for its proud owners. It is a blend of fine artistry and unbeatable technology.
The design of Xperia Z Ultra is a show stealer and it is hard to stop eyeballing it. Its’ sleek rectangular built, Black color, and large display screen is tempting enough to grab it in your palms. It has a perfect symmetrical and balanced look, and its display makes it look all the more absorbing. Making a big smart phone and cutting down weight can be a challenging job, but Sony has effectively done that by eliminating a layer of emptiness which has brought the displays closer to the lens giving it a sleek look and brining down its weight to 212 grams.
Though, with its 179 mm or 7.05 inch long frame, people with tiny palms may find it difficult holding it in one hand. And it seems Xperia Z Ultra smart phone has caught on to the rave of zero size, for with 6.50mm thickness it is as slim as it can get. Though let not its sleekness give you false notions to question its toughness, as its body is all metallic with a layer of plastic over it which lends solidity to it. Adding protection to the device are the waterproof and dust resistant designs, and it has the IP (Ingress Protection) test certified rating of 55/58, which lends more credibility to this unique smart phone.
The display screen of Sony Xperia Z Ultra implements full-HD technology, and has an impressive layout of 6.44 inches Full TRILUMINOS™ display along with X-Reality, and specification of 1080 x 1920 progressive scan. These advanced features gift the device with quality display devoid of any jagged edges. Having fascination for innovation, the smart phone adopts the latest screen technology invented by the engineers of BRAVIA® TV.
Though owing to its big size, it slightly compromises on pixel density which is still impressive with 135 pixels per cm, and it is hard to find fault in its picture quality as the picture quality is very sharp. The smart phone knows how to optimize its screen space and has three small icons at its bottom for Back, Home, and App Switcher navigations, which leaves enough room for on-screen content displays. Then again, though it does not harbor stylus, but the screen is highly sensitive and responds to taps from a stylus, or any other object like a pen or a pencil.
Sony Xperia Z Ultra is equipped with a highly advanced 8 megapixels camera which gives you a clear picture perfect shot. But things do not end here, as it is armed with other innovative technologies including back-illuminated sensor (BSI), and auto focus features which makes taking pictures a child’s play. Also defining its capabilities are the Touch to focus, and sensors which detect face, and facial expressions. It has a digital zoom system, High Dynamic Range mode (HRD), along with other features for visual effects, and a self-timer.
And since it has waterproof capabilities, you can take it along for a swim in fresh waters and click fantastic underwater shots for almost 30 minutes. You can take it down to the depth of 1.5 meters but just as you plug your ears, don’t forget to firmly shut the USB port, headphone jack, micro SIM slot, and memory card slot.
The smart phone works as Camcorder with 1920 x 1080 (1080p HD) resolution. It has advanced features of HDR, and digital image stabilization, and also allows taking photo shots during video recording.
Xperia Z Ultra comes with latest technologies of Sony software to give dynamic qualities to its ultra-powerful Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 800 processor. Its advanced Quad-core processor arms the device with maximum processing speed and faster output which enables multiple tasking to run different apps simultaneously. It processor being asynchronous, it is smart and believes in utilizing the resources if and when required. As its core gets power from independent sources, it uses the exact amount of power needed for its current operation, thus avoiding any wastage.
Giving new dimension to the graphical performance is the updated Adreno 330 graphics processing unit (GPU) which gives it an advanced and stunning visual effect for 3D gaming. It enables you lightening fast web browsing, and all the while keeps the power consumption at its lowest. The HD voice quality makes speaking over the phone a less strenuous endeavor even at noisy places, and it saves you the efforts of shouting your lungs out. Your voice can be heard loud and clear at the other end even when you speak at your normal pitch.
Well, smart phones are battery scavengers as they draw lot of power with apps running continuously in the background even when not in use. But Xperia Z Ultra has come out with an answer for that with a battery STAMINA Mode which saves battery drainage. It is smart enough to recognize the apps you are not using, and automatically shuts off the processes not required. But as you wake up the screen with power button all the functions are again up and running.
Its’ battery has impressive specs with a talk time of 14 hours, and for 3G it is further more at 16 hours. But if it is put on stand-by mode, you can forget recharging it for almost 870 hours or 36.2 days. The stand by time of 3G and 4G are 34.2 and 29.2 days respectively.
Its multimedia features include music player where you have various sorting options for playing. Then in addition, you have radio, earpiece, loudspeaker, and YouTube player.
The smart phone also has features which makes taking down notes relatively simple with Notebook and Sketchbook using a metallic pen or a pencil.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Natural Hair Removal Remedies

            We all have times when we have a little more hair than we prefer, but sometimes shaving can be too irritating and carries too great a risk of ingrown hairs, and do-it-at-home waxing kits can be too expensive.  Here are a few solutions for that unwanted hair that are cheap and easy to make at home.


2 cups sugar
¼ cup water
¼ cup lemon juice

In a small saucepan, mix ingredients together over low heat.  Stir constantly.  Remove from heat once the mixture becomes a thick liquid.  It should be brown in color.  Cool it enough to be comfortable on the skin, and apply to the area the hair is wanted removed from.  Pat a clean cloth or waxing strip onto the solution and let it sit a few seconds to harden around the hair.  Pull the cloth or strip in the direction opposite of the hair growth.  Apply astringent and ice over the area after waxing in order to tighten pores to keep irritation to a minimum.


Sugaring works like waxing, but is less painful and is kinder to the skin.

1 cup sugar
½ small lemon, juiced
¼ cup honey
corn starch

Heat all ingredients over low heat in a small saucepan.  Once it becomes a smooth, thick liquid, remove it from the heat and let it cool to a comfortable temperature.  Prepare the area for sugaring by dusting it with corn starch to help smooth the skin to allow the mixture to grab onto only the hair.   Apply the mixture and continue as you would with wax.


Make a masking paste of yogurt, gram flour, and turmeric.   Gently apply the paste onto the desired area, rubbing lightly, and leave it on for fifteen to twenty minutes or until the paste is dried.  Without wetting the paste, rub it away in the opposite direction of the hair growth.  Use baby oil or lotion to soothe the skin.

1. Take 1 bowl of peeled and crushed potatoes
2. Press on a sieve and extract their juice
3. Take 1 bowl of crushed yellow lentils (lentils soaked overnight in water)
4. Add 4 tbsp lemon juice
5. Add 1 tbsp honey
6. Add the potato juice to this mixture
7. Mix well
8. Apply on face

Wash off gently with a clean, damp cloth.

If all else fails, please let these be your last option.  Be mindful that kerosene is a gas, and can be toxic if breathed, and can be flammable!  Mix ground white pepper with camphor and a few drops of kerosene  (I do mean a few drops!).  Apply the mixture to the desired area (please do not use this mixture on the face) and leave on for ten to fifteen minutes.  Wash vigorously!  The hair should wash off easily.

Monday, August 4, 2014

How to Install A Locking Hard Wood Floor?

One sure shot way of adding beauty and warmth to your home is by opting to install hardwood flooring. It not only adds beauty to your home but also increases your home value. Traditional hard wood floors are very difficult to install and would mostly require a professional to do that for you; but, when it comes to installing a locking hardwood floor, it is relatively much easier and any layman can also do the job if he follows the instructions carefully.

Following are step by step instructions on how to install a locking hard wood floor yourself.

1. The first and most important step to install the flooring would be to measure the area you would be laying the hard wood floor on.  It is wise to double-check the measurements taken against the quantity of hard wood flooring that you have purchased.
2. Before you start with laying the floor, it is very important that you vacuum or sweep the sub-floor in order to make sure that your working space is completely clean.
3. As the next step, you should draw a chalk line where the 1st row of hardwood flooring would be placed; this would help you to keep the installation straight. It is extremely important that you place the first row straight, as this one row is going to dictate the uprightness of the rest of the floor.
4. Working your way from the topmost corner, you should place spacers between the wall and the flooring (usually around 1/2 an inch) for the expansion gap. Begin by laying the 1st piece in place, and then lock the 2nd piece onto the end of the 1st piece. Continue to do so until you are done with the 1st row. Occasionally, you may need to use a dead blow hammer to ensure a tight fit.

5. For the second row, continue at the opposite end.

6. Using a hammer and a three inch piece of wood, making sure that there is no damage to the floor, place the three inch piece of wood on the lip’s edge and tap the board into the lip of the 1st row.

7. Continue with interlocking and tapping in order to secure the planks. When you reach the end of a row, you can use a circular saw to cut the extra piece in order to ensure a perfect fit. Once done, begin on the next row.

8. Continuing with one row after another, finish the entire carpet area of the room (except the spacers).  You would not be required to glue down or nail any pieces.

9. Laying the floors, when you reach the far end of your room, place the spacers to leave some room for expansion against the room’s walls. You would need to glue it only if the space between the last and the second last row is one inch or less.

10. Once ready, remove the spacers and instead install any trim or baseboard.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Pitter patter raindrops

Rains – a poet’s dream, a child’s first love and a parent’s worst nightmare! The first signs of an overcast sky and a mother’s brows wrinkle up in a frown. It is time to get out the kids rain gear. A mother’s anxiety has her looking for wash proof material that will cover her child from head to toe. If it were left up to over protective mothers, all one would see of children during rains, are wet shiny noses peeking from under layers of waterproof material!
While it is natural and justified to be concerned about protecting your children from the rains, it is not necessary to make them run around the most fun time of the year looking like replicas of mini tents. Rains are boring. The sky is gray, everything is dark, and it feels like overnight the world has lost its color. Why make this already dull period even more depressing for your children by draping them in dull, lifeless protective gear?
Rain gear for kids has undergone a dramatic transformation in the past decade. The black, grays and whites have been replaced by an onslaught of color.  Kids walking to school in the rain or scurrying beside their parents to get away from the downpour look like tiny dots of bright cheer in an otherwise dull landscape.
A fun study narrowed down four things which make kids rain gear a thing to look forward to:
1.       Cartoon Raincoats: The market is flooded with everybody; from Spongebob to Ben10, from Spiderman to the Avengers; every character has found a place of honor on color raincoats.  Kids love these raincoats as they get to flaunt their favorite characters. Moms love these raincoats as it means they no longer have to struggle to get their children to wear them before stepping out in the rain. If there was ever a win-win situation- this is it!
2.       Kids Rain Poncho:  These stylized versions of the traditional tent approach to rain gear are an instant favorite with every mother. Not only are they available in a range of colors and prints, but they also last forever.  No more buying new rain gear year after year. A good quality poncho can last a kid for at least a couple of years. It also requires minimum fuss while donning it on.
3.       Pretty Little Umbrellas:  Choose the one which is a snap fit to the kid’s head and watch him strut around like an alien with frogs and strawberries on his umbrella antenna!  These mini umbrellas are ideal for children as it protects their head from the water, while keeping their hands free to carry out the million tasks every kid absolutely has to do. They come in cute animal prints, dotted with fruits and flowers and customized for a girl child or a boy child. Lately pretty pink umbrellas with a frilly lining have been a rage amongst little toddler girls who believe they are princesses from their favorite fairy tale.
4.       Toddler Rain Boots: Available in mouth-watering colors, these ultra comfortable, water proof boots make splashing around so much fun! They are available in various styles and sizes and have lengths which end mid-calf or run right up to the knee. Fashion conscious mothers like to match the rain boots with the rain coats or ponchos to make a style statement out of their kid’s rain gear!
It’s not just the summer’s who are fashion friendly. Trendy, colorful rain gear has turned the rains into a time to flaunt your favorite rain gear! Team up your fashion senses with your child’s favorite cartoon, fruit, animal or flower and add a palette of colors to the most washed out time of the year!